235 research outputs found

    Comparación entre los modelos de gamificación en la enseñanza superior que utilizan escape rooms físicas y virtuales

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    Gamification is a training model that encourages the inclusion of active methodologies into learning environments. The objective of this study is to analyze the effects of a gamified experience through virtual and face-to-face escape rooms as well as to determine the generated levels of fun, absorption, creative thinking, mastery, activation, absence of negative effects and student grades. A descriptive and correlational experimental design has been used. In total, 105 Spanish university students participated. The data was collected using a scale validated in the Spanish context called Gameful Experience in Gamification (GAMEX). The results reveal significant variability according to the training environment. In face-to-face environments, students’ fun and activation were promoted, generating pleasant entertainment experiences. In virtual environments, influence, autonomy, creativity, and exploration by students increased. Similarly, these environments shared high levels of spatio-temporal absorption and an absence of negative effects. Regarding the ratings, no statistically significant results that confirm their effectiveness depending on the environment were determined, but good scores were obtained. It is concluded that the choice of the gamified environment will depend on the dimensions and the goals that the teacher intends to achieve during the learning process.La gamificación es un modelo formativo que fomenta la inclusión de metodologías activas en los entornos de aprendizaje. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar los efectos de una experiencia gamificada a través de salas de escape virtuales y presenciales para determinar los niveles generados de diversión, absorción, pensamiento creativo, dominio, activación, ausencia de efecto negativo y calificaciones de los estudiantes. Se ha utilizado un diseño experimental de tipo descriptivo y correlacional. Han participado 105 estudiantes universitarios españoles. Los datos han sido recogidos mediante una escala validada al contexto español denominada Gameful Experience in Gamification (GAMEX). Los resultados revelan variabilidad significativa según el entorno formativo. De forma presencial se potencian la diversión y la activación de los estudiantes generando experiencias de entretenimiento placentero. De manera digital se incrementan la influencia, autonomía, la creatividad y exploración de los estudiantes. Asimismo, estos dos entornos comparten en común altos niveles de absorción espacio temporal y una ausencia de efecto negativo. En cuanto a las calificaciones, no se han determinado resultados estadísticamente significativos que constaten su eficacia según el entorno pero sí se obtienen buenas puntuaciones. Se concluye que la elección del entorno gamificado dependerá de las dimensiones que el docente pretenda alcanzar durante el proceso de aprendizaje

    Design and validation of a questionnaire for the evaluation of educational experiences in the metaverse in Spanish students (METAEDU)

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    The aim of this study is to design and validate an instrument that allows the evaluation of educational experiences and formative assessment in the metaverse from a holistic perspective. Hence, a research design based on the development of a scale has been used. Three hundred and sixty-two Spanish secondary school students participated in the study, selected through purposive sampling. The instrument created has been subjected to an analysis of content validity, validity by expert judgment, construct validity, and reliability. For data analysis, the SPSS and AMOS programs have been used. An exploratory factor analysis and a confirmatory factor analysis have been performed to determine the construct validity. In addition, the Cronbach's alpha has been calculated to verify the internal consistency of the tool. The results reveal several findings that position the resulting questionnaire as a valid and reliable instrument to evaluate educational experiences and practices in the metaverse. In short, this study has led to the development of a comprehensive evaluation tool at the service of educators or any institution interested in implementing its educational praxis within the metaverse, a field of research that has yet to be explored.GOAL! Teaching Methodology for the Transformation of Learning in the METAVERSE 2211

    Moving toward Smart Cities: Evaluation of the Self-Cleaning Properties of Si-Based Consolidants Containing Nanocrystalline TiO2 Activated by Either UV-A or UV-B Radiation

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    This study evaluated the self-cleaning ability and durability of Si-based consolidants (an ethyl silicate consolidant and a consolidant based on nanosized silica) spiked with nanocrystalline TiO2 activated by either UV-A radiation (spectral region between 340 and 400 nm, and main peak at 365 nm) or UV-B radiation (spectral region between 270 and 420 nm, and main peak at 310 nm). Granite samples were coated with consolidant, to which nanocrystalline TiO2 was added at different concentrations (0.5, 1, and 3%, by wt.). Diesel soot was then applied to the coated surfaces, and the samples were exposed to UV-A or UV-B radiation for 1650 h. The surface color changes, relative to the color of untreated granite, were determined every 330 h by color spectrophotometry. Slight color changes indicated a recovery of the reference color due to the degradation of the soot. The final surfaces of both the untreated and treated surfaces were compared by stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The main findings were that: (1) In general, the consolidant containing nanosized silica induced the most intense photocatalytic activity. In the more compact xerogel coating formed by the nanosized silica, more TiO2 nanoparticles were available to interact with the radiation. (2) For all consolidant mixtures, soot degradation remained constant or decreased over time, except with ethyl silicate with 0.5 wt % TiO2 (no self-cleaning capacity). (3) Soot degradation increased with the concentration of TiO2. (4) The UV-B radiation was the most effective in terms of soot degradation, except for the surface coated with the ethyl silicate and 3% wt. TiO2J.S. Pozo-Antonio was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Government of Spain (grant IJCI-2017-32771). P. Sanmartín is grateful for the financial support from the Xunta de Galicia (grant ED431C 2018/32). This research was performed within the framework of the teaching innovation group ODS Cities and Citizenship from University of Vigo (Spain)S

    Identification of the best-performing novel microbial strains from naturally-aged graffiti for biocleaning research

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    Microorganisms that can act as biocleaning agents can potentially be isolated from existing graffiti. In this study, a total of 30 different isolates of bacteria, fungi and yeasts were obtained from black, blue, red and silver graffiti coatings exposed outdoors conditions for 10 years. An additional strain was obtained from samples of black powdered graffiti exposed under laboratory conditions for 5 years. Each of the isolates from the most prolific sources (i.e. red and silver graffiti coatings and black powdered graffiti) was evaluated alone and in combination with Tween® 20, to determine their potential as biocleaning agents, in test tube assays. Two strains isolated from the red graffiti coating (identified as "Candida parapsilosis") and one strain isolated from the black powered graffiti (identified as "Rhodococcus erythropolis") performed best alone. The quantity of live cells throughout the trials and biofilm formation indicated that both strains were able to utilize the paint as a substrate. When the microorganisms isolated were combined with Tween® 20, the quantity of live cells increased notably throughout the incubation time, and turbidity and graffiti discoloration were observed. Infrared spectroscopic examination revealed that "R. erythropolis" performed the best alone, while the addition of Tween® 20 to "C. parapsilosis" enhanced the oxidative degradation of the graffiti.Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad | Ref. IJCI-2017-3277Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2018/3

    Three-stage application of flipped learning in the area of science

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    Se ha analizado la aplicabilidad del flipped learning para la enseñanza de la conciencia medioambiental en comparación con una metodología tradicional a partir de un análisis trietápico estratificado (educación primaria, secundaria y superior) en las asignaturas de Ciencias de la naturaleza, biología y geología, y didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales. Se trata de un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo y correlacional de corte experimental que emplea un cuestionario ad hoc sobre 180 estudiantes. En comparación con la metodología tradicional, la enseñanza medioambiental mediante flipped learning favorece aspectos actitudinales-procedimentales como la participación, la autonomía, el pensamiento crítico-analítico, el pensamiento divergente y la capacidad resolutiva, además de aspectos interactivos-consecutivos como la interacción, el aprovechamiento temporal, la competencia medioambiental y las calificacionesThe applicability of flipped learning for the teaching of environmental awareness has been analyzed in comparison with a traditional methodology based on a stratified three-stage analysis (primary, secondary and higher education) in the subjects of nature Sciences, biology and geology, and Teaching experimental sciences. This is an experimental, quantitative, descriptive and correlational study that uses an ad hoc questionnaire on 180 students. Compared to traditional methodology, environmental teaching through flipped learning favors attitudinal-procedural aspects such as participation, autonomy, critical-analytical thinking, divergent thinking and resolving capacity, in addition to interactive-consecutive aspects such as interaction, temporary use, environmental competence and qualification

    Formative Transcendence of Flipped Learning in Mathematics Students of Secondary Education

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    Educational technology is achieving great potential in the formative processes of today’s society. Flipped learning is considered as a pedagogical innovation derived from the technological influence in learning spaces. The general objective of the research is to analyze the e ectiveness of flipped learning on a traditional teaching and learning approach in the subject of Mathematics. To achieve this objective, an experimental design of a descriptive and correlational type has been followed through a quantitative research method. Two study groups have been set up. In the control group, the contents have been imparted from a traditional perspective, and in the experimental group, innovation has been applied through the use of flipped learning. The sample of participants has been chosen by means of intentional sampling and reached the figure of 60 students in the 4th year of Secondary Education at an educational center in Ceuta (Spain). A questionnaire has been used for data collection. The results reflect that the application of flipped learning has obtained better assessment in established attitudinal and mathematical indicators. It is concluded that with the use of flipped learning, motivation and skills are increased in the analysis and representation of graphs

    Flipped Learning and E-Learning as Training Models Focused on the Metaverse

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    Virtual Learning Environments (EVA) have acquired special importance in the educational field in recent years. The metaverse has been constructed as a learning space with enormous potential. As such, the immersion possibilities of the metaverse increase when compared to other methodologies that already implement technology, such as flipped learning and e-learning. In these learning environments, students require a set of specific abilities and skills. Therefore, this study aims to understand which training approach (flipped learning or e-learning) helps students acquire better skills through a teaching and learning process in the metaverse. This thesis used a pre-post quasi-experimental design of a group containing 173 Spanish high school students to achieve its aim. The data collection has been carried out by the Teaching and Learning Experiences Questionnaire (ETLQ). Among the obtained results, it is discovered that in all the dimensions analyzed, a significant relationship is observed. The greatest difference in means occurs in the LO dimension, meaning that these educational experiences directly impact the student’s academic results. It is concluded that both training approaches are adequate in preparing students for training processes carried out in the metaverse since they complement each other. Therefore, as preliminary instruction, the sequential use of these approaches is necessary when familiarizing students with a new learning reality such as the metaverse. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-SIED-013 Full Text: PD

    Cracks in consolidants containing TiO2 as a habitat for biological colonization: A case of quaternary bioreceptivity

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    The recently proposed concept of quaternary bioreceptivity applies to substrates treated with coating materials and it is considered in the present study with the alga Bracteacoccus minor and the cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. onto granite specimens treated with ethyl silicate and nano-sized silica doped with different amounts of TiO2 (0, 0.5, 1 and 3 wt%). The findings showed a lack of correlation between the amount of TiO2 and the level of colonization (main bioreceptivity estimator) to the presence of cracks on the surface, which annul the biocidal power of TiO2. Crack formation, which depends on the mechanical properties, greatly influences the bioreceptivity of the material. Thus, the cracks provided anchor points where water is retained, in turn strongly influencing the early stages of colonization kinetics, to a greater extent than the biocidal power of TiO2, which will probably increase as the biofilm develops over the entire surface. In addition, although the cracks were more abundant and wider in the ethyl silicate-based consolidant, the nano-sized silica provided better anchoring points, making the material treated with the corresponding consolidant more bioreceptiveS

    Twitch as a Techno-Pedagogical Resource to Complement the Flipped Learning Methodology in a Time of Academic Uncertainty

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    Flipped learning methodology has the potential to be combined with a multitude of didactic actions and techno-pedagogical resources that are adapted to the needs of the student. Access to resources and training outside the classroom can be carried out from various platforms. Following this line, Twitch is an interactive video transmission platform that is presented as an interesting digital resource to enhance the motivation of students in turning over learning moments. The objective of the study is to analyze the motivation of students in two different methodological approaches, one traditional and the other innovative through the Twitch application. A quasi-experimental pre-post design was carried out. A total of 52 Spanish students from the fourth level of secondary education participated in the research. Data collection was carried out by adapting the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) instrument to the Spanish context. The results reflect higher levels of motivation in the implementation of Twitch with respect to its materialization without using said techno-pedagogical complement. This difference is especially significant in intrinsic motivation, since in the case of extrinsic motivation, the difference between both pedagogical proposals is smaller. In short, the implementation of Twitch in the flipped learning supposes an optimization of this pedagogical methodology, increasing the extrinsic and intrinsic motivation of the students and modifying the centers of interest of students from quantitative aspects to other, qualitative ones.I+D+i OTRI-Universidad de Granada CNT-431

    Uses and integration of augmented reality in the educational cooperatives of Andalusia (Spain)

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    The use of mobile devices in classrooms is becoming more and more common. The introduction of these resources to produce learning is part of the mobile learning methodology. Among the possibilities of these devices provide we can find, as an emerging technology, augmented reality, which combines elements of the real world with virtual images. The purpose of this paper is to know the impact of the augmented reality in the educational cooperatives of Andalusia. In this regard, educational cooperatives are centers characterized in their origin by promoting the development of methodologies based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The data collection instrument used in this questionnaire is a quantitative methodology of a descriptive nature. The questionnaire was prepared ad hoc according to the existing literature and the answers coded on a Likert scale. The results show that only a minority of teachers implement the augmented reality in their classes. In addition, there are statistically significant differences in terms of professional experience, so that younger teachers tend to implement methodologies based on the use of emerging mobile technologies such as augmented reality. Finally, it is emphasized that despite the constant technological advance of mobile devices in society, their application in the classroom occurs slowlyPeer Reviewe
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